This winter was about consolidating what we had been working on throughout summer and autumn: giving his feet with fuidity and confidence, being groomed, tying up, the horse box, the noise of plastic, the umbrella, etc. Everything that had been touched on since his arrival was reviewed and reworked to make it all as familiar as possible.
With spring around the corner it's now time to introduce a new activity, as per our schedule. As he has been showing a lot of willingness during our lead rein sessions in the forest (which were put on hold for a month due to the ice on the road), the next step was logical: teaching him to trot besides Lutin on the lead rein.
This video shows snippits from his first outing, in a head collar. For his second outing, we used the caveçon.
Star really enjoys being out in the forest, although sometimes doesn't appreciate Lutin not letting him have a good look at things. Lutin is all business; been-there-seen-that-no-need-to-stop, so when Star wants to have a look at something (we've been developing his curiosity this winter) Lutin swishes his tail and shows he clearly doesn't like all this "time-wasting", but puts up with it. Star loves to climb up banks; he is affectionately nicknamed "Chamois" as he does it with almost the same ease and grace as our local mountain goats do.
On a side note, Lutin has stepped into his "instructor" shoes beautifully, being very agreable when out leading Star, despite it not always being easy for him, and teaching his sharer the ropes of riding and managing a horse like him. The makings of a true schoolmaster!

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